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One time, at bootcamp…

June 10, 2013, By: Jon Boldireff

Thumb Update: Friday, June 7th was 4 weeks since I broke my thumb. I went to the doctor hoping his initial diagnosis of 4 weeks plus physio was going to be accurate. I was getting pretty tired of savagely destroying every banana I tried to peel. Here’s my newest x-ray:


You can see that it’s partially healed, but not quite there yet. The fracture has also shifted a bit. What does all this mean? Two more weeks in the splint AND THEN I start physio. I’m hoping that playing XBox is going to be a big part of recovering my thumb dexterity.

I’ve got BIG news. I’ve been teasing about it on my Bold Fitness Training Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/BoldFitnessTraining?ref=hl), as well as on my Twitter account (@jonboldfitness). Here it is….. I’m putting together a charity bootcamp! I love my job so much that it doesn’t even feel like work, so I decided that I wanted to give back. I wanted to do something different though. How could I use personal training to somehow raise money? Sure a bootcamp makes sense, but how can I be creative and give people something that’s never been done?  I remembered how crazy women went when Magic Mike came out a while ago (I haven’t actually seen it). Then it came to me: Extremely fit and attractive male trainers leading a bootcamp shirtless will definitely draw a crowd. That was the birth of  Tops-Off Trainers!

This isn’t just a one hour bootcamp. This is an event! We have some special guest speakers, door prizes, giveaways, and a lunch after you’ve worked up an appetite.  The bootcamp itself will be a one hour long, group exercise session. You don’t have to be a fitness pro to partake. Beginners to experts are welcome. Of course, I’ve recruited a dozen of Edmonton’s hunkiest male trainers to lead you through the exercises. They also happen to be some of Edmonton’s top personal trainers. Here are the details:

When: August 24th 11am-2pm

Where: NAIT soccer field

Charity: All profits will go to Kidsport Edmonton. Kidsport raises money so that children from low income families can play organized sports.

How to register: Go to www.topsofftrainers.eventbrite.com and sign up. It’s only a minimum $20 donation!

Again, this is for a good cause. If you can’t attend, then please share the registration link, tell a friend about the bootcamp, or just think really positive thoughts for me. THIS is why having a broken thumb really sucks. Instead of being able to train hard and get more jacked then I’ve ever been, I’m withering away! You should see some of these trainers I’m going to have to stand beside. One of them is a former Olympic sprinter! I’m in pretty darn good shape, but I already feel like the kid that doesn’t want to take his shirt off at the pool (I actually used to be that kid!) Oh well. I’ll do what I tell my clients and all of you to do: Eat smart, train hard, rest hard.

Have a good week!






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